Mehmet Ekinci



1. Ekinci, M. Book Review of ‘‘Hotels and Highways: The Construction of Modernization Theory in Cold War Turkey, Begüm Adalet’’ YILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies 1 (December 2019): 203205.

2. Ekinci, M. “We Don’t Need Another Deficit Model, This Time For STS.” In Innovating STS in Turkey: Boundaries, Translations, and Temporalities, created by Duygu Kaşdoğan and Aybike Alkan. In Innovating STS Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science, August 2019.

3. Ekinci, M., Kaşdoğan D. and Ansal H., “Bilim, Teknoloji ve Toplum Çalışmaları’na bir giriş”, Toplum ve Bilim, İletişim Yayınları, 2018

4. Ekinci, M., “Genetik Bilimi ve Tıp: Yeni Hastalıklar, Yeni Toplumsal Kimlikler”, Paper published in Biyoetik Araştırmaları (Bioethics Studies) edited by Yeşim Işıl Ülman and Savaş Volkan Genç, Türkiye Biyoetik Derneği Yayını, No: XVI, Istanbul, 2012

5. Ekinci, M., “Şifayı Meydanlarda, Siyaseti İnternette Aramak: Türkiye'de Yeni Hasta Örgütlenmeleri” Book Chapter in Neoliberalizm ve Mahremiyet: Türkiye'de Beden Sağlık ve Cinsellik edited by Cenk Özbay, Ayşecan Terzioğlu and Yeşim Yasin, Metis Yayınları, Istanbul, 2010

6. Ekinci, M., “Modern Mühürleme Mekanizmaları –Ulusal DNA Veritabanları” Published in Birikim Monthly Journal, Istanbul, 2009


1.  Ekinci, M. “İçerikteki Huzursuzluk.” Suret Psikokültürel Analiz, Sayı 12, Kara Ayna / İlginç Zamanlar dosyası, Ocak 2023.

2. Ekinci, M. “Kalbini Derinin Üstünde Taşı: Yakın Geleceğin Akıllı Dövmeleri.” Bant Mag, 28 Aralık 2022.

3. Ekinci, M. “20. Yüzyıl Kulüplerinin Yerel Tarihinde Gececil Bir Gezinti.” Bant Mag, 11 Temmuz 2021.

4. Ekinci, M. “Kaçamıyoruz.” Bant Mag, 18 Ekim 2019.

5. Ekinci, M. “Richard Mosse’un Merceğinden Sıcak-Soğuk Dalgaları ve Mülteci Kampları.” Bant Mag, 3 Ocak 2019.

Conceptual Texts for Artworks

1. Ekinci, M. “Exhibition Review: Unbinding Histories. Curated by Çağla Demirbaş, The Association for Visual Arts (AVA), Cape Town, South Africa, 22 August 2024 - 3 October 2024.

2. Sönmez, O., In collaboration with Mehmet Ekinci.  Inbound. Contemporary Istanbul '15 Exhibition, June 2021. Conceptual text by Mehmet Ekinci.

3. Sönmez, O., In collaboration with Jona Hoier and Mehmet Ekinci. Sunscriber. Kunsthaus Graz, Austria, 09 April 2021 - 24 November 2021. Conceptual text by Mehmet Ekinci.

4. Sönmez, O., In collaboration with Mehmet Ekinci. Prothesengott. Digi.logue - Futuretellers Exhibition, September 2017, Istanbul. Conceptual text by Mehmet Ekinci.


1. Kaşdoğan, D., Kurtiç, E., ve Ekinci, M. (Ed.). Material Politics in Turkey: Infrastructure, Science, and Expertise. Bloomsbury Publishing, Ocak 2025.

2. Canguilhem, G. Yaşam Bilgisi (La connaissance de la vie). Fransızcadan çeviren: Adem Beyaz. Yayıma hazırlayan: Mehmet Ekinci. 1. Baskı, Mayıs 2023, İstanbul: Kolektif Kitap.

3. Özdoğan, K., Tatari, M. F., ve Bilgin, A. (Ed.). İnsan, Hayvan ve Ötesi: Türkiye’de Hayvan Çalışmaları. Yayıma hazırlayan: Eda Çaça, Mehmet Ekinci. 1. Baskı, Eylül 2021, İstanbul: Kolektif Kitap.

4. Editor of 212 Photography Magazine, Issue #17: Positopia. Spring/Summer 2024, 212 Studio, Istanbul/London.

5. Editor of 212 Photography Magazine, Issue #16: Anxiety Antidote. Autumn/Winter 2023, 212 Studio, Istanbul/London.

6. Editor of 212 Photography Magazine, Issue #15: Solastalgia. Spring/Summer 2023, 212 Studio, Istanbul/London.

7. Editor of 212 Photography Magazine, Issue #14: Impersonatopia. Autumn/Winter 2022, 212 Studio, Istanbul/London.

8. Editor of 212 Photography Magazine, Issue #12: Earthlings. Autumn/Winter 2021, 212 Studio, Istanbul/London.

ONLINE TALKS and conversatIONS

1. Ekinci, M. ve Artvinli, F. “Taçlı Virüsün Tarihsel ve Toplumsal Okumaları.” Bilim, Teknoloji, Toplum Muhabbetleri kapsamında Giriş ve Takdim: Ebru Yetişkin, Kürasyon: Duygu Kaşdoğan ve Ebru Yetişkin, Akbank Sanat ve STS IstanbuLab, 18 Mayıs 2020.

2. Ekinci, M. ve Hiz, G. “Servet-i Fünûn’da Modernite Deneyimi Temsilleri ve Mekânın Sosyoteknik Tahayyülleri.” Kadir Has Üniversitesi Sanat, Tasarım ve Mimarlık Konuşmaları, 18 Mayıs 2022.

3. Ekinci, M., Tayman Eksin, S., Şensoy, B. Ö., ve Ertüzün, M. I. “Kara Aynadan Yansıyanlar: Suret’in 12. Sayısı Üzerine Bir Söyleşi.” PsikoAlan Söyleşileri, Moderatör: Sinan Tınar, 27 Şubat 2022.

4. Ekinci, M., Bilgin, A., Burgan, E., Çavuş, R., Niksarlı, A., Özdoğan, K., Özmen, C. Ö., ve Tatari, M. F. “İnsan, Hayvan ve Ötesi: Türkiye'de Hayvan Çalışmaları.” Kıraathane İstanbul Edebiyat Evi Üçüncü Kitap Şenliği, Çevrimiçi Kitap Söyleşisi, 1 Ekim 2021.


1. Ekinci, M. “Arayüzdeki Diri Çizgiler: Ryoichi Kurokawa’nın Ağırbaşlı Medya Sanatı. Ryoichi Kurokawa ile Söyleşi.” Bant Mag, 5 Eylül 2022.

2.  Ekinci, M. “DeviantArt’ın Altın Günlerinden Hipertüketici Algoritmalar Devrine: Bora Akıncıtürk ile Söyleşi.” Bant Mag, 11 Kasım 2021. 

3.  Ekinci, M. “Jeolojik Antropoloji Penceresinden STS: Zeynep Oğuz ile Söyleşi.” STS Istanbul, 16 Haziran 2021.

4.   Ekinci, M. “Looking at STS through the Lens of Geological Anthropology: Interview with Zeynep Oğuz.” STS Istanbul, 20 March 2021.

5.  Ekinci, M. “Material Manifestations of the Modernization Theory in Cold War Turkey: Interview with Begüm Adalet.” STS Istanbul, 28 May 2019.

6.   Ekinci, M. “Soğuk Savaş Türkiyesi'nde Modernleşme Teorisinin Maddesel Belirtileri: Begüm Adalet ile Söyleşi.” STS Istanbul, 28 Mayıs 2019.

7.  Ekinci, M., Atılgan, Y., “Dünya İyiler ve Kötülerden Daha Karmaşık Bir Yer: Adam Curtis ile Söyleşi.” Bant Mag, 21 Haziran 2018.

8.  Ekinci, M. “Sayborglar Hâlâ Hayatta ve Keyifleri Yerinde: Joe Dumit ile Söyleşi.” Bant Mag, 27 Eylül 2017.

9.  Ekinci, M. “Yaşamı Neden Hep ‘Üreyebilme’ Üzerinden Tanımlayalım ki?: Svalbard Küresel Tohum Deposu üzerine Sophia Roosth ile Söyleşi.” Bant Mag, 17 Nisan 2017.


      1. Ekinci, M. “Yapay Zeka Halet-i Ruhiyemize Nasıl Geliyor? Yapay Zeka ile Bilgi Üretiminin Boyutları.” 27. Araştırma Zirvesi, 6 Mayıs 2024.

      2. Ekinci, M. “Yapay Zekâ Zamanlarında Bilgi Üretiminin Sosyolojik Boyutları: Hevesler ve Endişeler.” İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi, Sosyoloji Bölümü Semineri, 15 Aralık 2023

      The Secrets of Entrepreneur Scientists Revealed (Not Really!): A Methodological Challenge.
      North East Science and Technology Studies Conference. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, March 2018.

      4. The Cost of Scientific Research: A Social Analysis. 11th Annual California Summer STS Retreat. UC Davis, CA, June 2017. Explaining Emergence: Futures of Causalities, Disease Outbreaks and Climate Change. American Anthropological Association (AAA) Annual Conference. Denver, CO, November 2015.

      5. Pacemaking the Clinical Trials: The Nation-State's Role in Turkey's Pharmacopolitics.
      Society of Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Conference. Denver, CO, November 2015.

      6. Research on the Institutional History of Bioethics in Turkey. STS Summer School: Science and Governance at the Frontiers of Life. Kennedy School of Governance, Harvard University, July 2014.

      7. Searching for the Cure in the Streets, Doing Politics in the Internet: New Forms of Patient
      Activism in Turkey. Reproductive Health Working Group Annual Meeting, Tyr, Lebanon, July

      8. Politics of Biosociality: A study of patient groups at the crossroads of political space in Turkey. Reproductive Health Working Group Annual Meeting, Ain El Sokhna, Egypt, July 2010.



        Curriculum Vitae

        Mehmet Ekinci is a Ph.D. candidate at Cornell University, Science and Technology Studies Department. He is a lecturer at the Academic Writing Program, Koç University, Turkey. His research interests include the political economies of knowledge making in contemporary life sciences research labs, understanding the pervasive discourses on Artificial Intelligence in contemporary societies, and developing new teaching methods of critical thinking, reading and writing in academia. During his doctoral studies at Cornell University Ekinci taught First-year Writing Seminars on drugs and politics, histories of human subjects in experimental biomedicine, and futuristic strains of technoscience and capitalism. He received his Molecular Biology and Genetics (B.Sc.) undergraduate degree from Boğaziçi University and he studied Sociology (M.A.) at the same university before starting his Ph.D. at Cornell University, 2012.


        2017 Cornell University, Ph.D. in Science and Technology Studies
        Ithaca, NY (Ph.D. degree expected in Summer 2025)
        Dissertation: Economies and Technological Tools of Life Sciences Research: 
        A Social Analysis

        Committee: Stephen Hilgartner (chair); Suman Seth; Bruce Lewenstein
        Examination Fields: Economic Sociology of Science; Race, Gender and Political
        Economy in the History of Science and Medicine; Public Communication 
        of Science.

        20122017 Cornell University, MA in Science and Technology Studies,
        Ithaca, NY

        20102012 Boğaziçi University, M.A. Program in Sociology
        (completed the coursework, got transferred to Cornell University)

        20032008 Boğaziçi University, College of Arts and Sciences, B.Sc. in Molecular Biology and Genetics, Istanbul, Turkey. Extensive coursework in sociology and history.


        Spring 2023 and onwards
        Koç University
        Course Instructor
        ACWR 101: Basic Academic Writing
        ACWR 106: Writing for Science and Technology
        SOCI 312: Contemporary Social Theory
        SOCI 405: Science, Technology and Society
        SOCI 303: Classical Social Theory
        SOCI 201: Scientific Methods in Behavioral and Social Sciences

        Fall 2022
        Işık University
        Course Instructor
        HUSS 1104: Science and Civilization
        HUSS 3301: History of Science and Technology
        HUSS 4301: Information Technology and Social Life

        Fall 2021
        Işık University
        Course Instructor
        INTO 1104: Bilim ve Uygarlık
        HUSS 3301: History of Science and Technology

        Summer 2020
        Cornell University
        Teaching Assistant 
        STS 1101: Science, Technology and Politics

        Spring 2020 
        Cornell University
        Teaching Assistant 
        STS 2011 What is Science?
        (Writing in the Majors Course)

        Summer 2019
        Cornell University
        Teaching Assistant
        STS 1101: Science, Technology and Politics
        Course Instructor
        STS 1126 Writers of the Near Future Inc.,
        A Training Module (First-Year Writing Seminar)

        Fall 2019
        Cornell University
        Course Instructor 
        STS 1126 Writers of the Near Future Inc.,
        A Training Module (First-Year Writing Seminar)

        Spring 2019
        Cornell University
        Course Instructor: STS 1126 Writers of the Near Future Inc.,
        A Training Module (First-Year Writing Seminar)

        Fall 2018
        Cornell University
        Teaching Assistant
        BSOC 2051 Ethical Issues in Health and Medicine
        (Writing in the Majors Course)

        Spring 2018
        Cornell University
        Teaching Assistant
        BSOC 3111 Sociology of Medicine

        Fall 2015
        Cornell University
        Course Instructor
        STS 1126 Lives on Trial: Histories of
        Experimental Biomedicine (First-Year Writing Seminar)

        Spring 2014
        Cornell University
        Teaching Assistant 
        BSOC 2061 Environmental Ethics

        Spring 2014
        Cornell University
        STS 3561 Computing Cultures

        Fall 2014
        Cornell University
        Course Instructor
        STS 1126 Science in Society: Drugs and
        Politics (First-Year Writing Seminar)

        Fall 2014
        Cornell University
        BSOC 2071 Introduction to the History of Medicine

        Spring 2014
        Cornell University
        Teaching Assistant
        BSOC 2051 Ethical Issues in Health and Medicine
        (Writing in the Majors Course)

        Fall 2013
        Cornell University
        Teaching Assistant
        BSOC 3011 Life Sciences and Society


        20212022 Editor in Chief at Sensiz Olmaz Sessiz Olmaz Blog, Istanbul
        - Commissioning articles and interviews to be published on the
        digital publishing platform of the civil society initiative,
        Sensiz Olmaz Sessiz Olmaz Blog
        - Professional editorial work for the blog

        2021 Project Report Researcher and Writer at PAR Research and Consultancy, Istanbul
        - Developed and conducted qualitative research for the assessment report
        commissioned by the Center for Private Enterprise (CIPE) on “Women’s Rights
        in Corporate Compliance Programs in Turkey”
        - Writing and data management of the CIPE assessment report

        2019 Language Interpreter and Academic Consultant for the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service Cochran Fellowship Program, Cornell University, NY
        - Worked as a bilingual interpreter for the Turkish delegate visiting Cornell
        University campus as USDA Cochran Fellowship Program fellows
        - Facilitated workshops and training courses on agricultural biotechnologies
        - Collaborated with the Cochran Fellowship Program organizers, academics and
        industry regulators

        2018 Research Assistant for Professor Stephen Hilgartner's ongoing research project
        Project Title: “An Empirical Study of the Making and Re-Making of Knowledge About
        Risk” Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
        - Assistance with the transcription of the interview sound recordings from
        - Assistance with the evaluation of the fieldwork data

        20102011 Research Assistant for Associate Professor Ayşecan Terzioğlu
        Project Title: “Conceptions of Quality of Life among Turkish Breast Cancer Patients”
        Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey
        - Assistance with the transcription of the interview sound recordings from
        - Assistance with the evaluation of the fieldwork data

        20092010 Project Assistant at
        Online platform for green and sustainable economy in Turkey
        - Academic literature and market research for the website database
        - Website editor, copywriter

        20042006 Research Assistant at Professor Kuyaş Buğra's research laboratory
        Project Title: “Research on the growth factor signal transduction in the mammalian
        retina” Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey
        - Basic molecular biology techniques such as PCR, Western Blot, electrophoresis


        2018—2019 Dissertation Writing Group Grant, Society for the Humanities,
        Cornell University
        2016—2017 Sage Fellowship, Cornell University Graduate School
        2014—2015 Graduate Reading Group Grant, The Institute for Comparative Modernities, Cornell University
        2014 Abraham Zito Boczkowski Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Graduate
        Student, Cornell University
        2012—2013 Sage Fellowship, Cornell University Graduate School